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At the museum you can explore and learn via two galleries about the educational facilities; daily living; early beginnings and families of this humble community; William R. Norton & his development of the Sunny Slope Townsite; the significant roles of the Desert Mission, and later, John C. Lincoln Hospital, played in the community as well as the burgeoning businesses that have helped keep Sunnyslope viable to this day.
Invest in AZ! We’re excited to announce that Sunnyslope Historical Society is joining this year’s #AZGivesDay — a statewide, 48-hour online giving campaign.
Early giving has begun! Donate today and your donation will count towards our #AZGivesDay total on April 4 & 5. This year, our goal is to raise $6,000.00 so we can perform needed repairs and maintenance on our museum and 1945 house. YES! I want to help Support Sunnyslope!
Thank You Arizona Humanities for caring about Sunnyslope’s Cultural Center!
Sunnyslope Historical Society is honored to receive a rapid-response grant from Arizona Humanities. This funding was made available to cultural organizations that are facing financial hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds are made available by the Congressional CARES Act through the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Click to see our new mural
Hours of operation:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and by appointment
We are located at 737 E. Hatcher road Phoenix, AZ 85020
Closed on major holidays. Please see our calendar for details.
Upcoming Events View our Calendar!
We look forward to hosting several of Arizona Humanities AZ Speaks virtual events. Dates and times to be determined. Please keep checking back for updates!
The Art Hub Sunnyslope
What: The Sunnyslope art scene is growing, from traditional to avant-garde. It is to be as important as other Arizona groups, while retaining a unique community character.
theART HUB Sunnyslope, is embracing this growth by encouraging local artists to participate. This organization embraces those who play here, create here, display here and definitely sell here in Sunnyslope.
This newly created artist organization was established to connect, promote and grow the artist community within Sunnyslope. theArt Hub Sunnyslope, will focus on promoting artist’s work, events, showings, art classes and sales by improving communication between artist and the public.
A map of currently existing art installations throughout Sunnyslope will be available via theART HUB Sunnyslope. These public art pieces include sculptures, mosaics, murals, ironworks and glassworks.
This new venture, theART HUB Sunnyslope, is a Sunnyslope Historical Society project sharing the location and resources with its own unique logo, merchandise, social media presence and website; www.theArtHubSunnyslope.org

Mission Statement
The mission of the Sunnyslope Historical Society shall be to promote, encourage and foster research of the history of Sunnyslope. We do this by collecting, preserving and disseminating materials and information relating to the history of Sunnyslope; encouraging and instructing members in the ethical principles, scientific methods and effective techniques of historical research.
Call for Volunteers and Donations
We are seeking volunteers to staff our museum! Please click here for more information; training will be provided. During the summer we will be putting up new exhibits and getting ready for our fall opening in September. For those of you who enjoy history we are digitizing our collection! If you can put in volunteer hours during the summer, we need people who will be able to type information into the computer from our library index card. We will be glad to show you how to do this.
Please consider joining the Sunnyslope Historical Society or making a donation.
Dear members and friends:
The Sunnyslope Historical Society has been in existence since 1989. We have been at this location, 737 E. Hatcher Road since 2002. Each year we have been able to provide exhibits, speakers and refreshments, by using money from memberships, donations and grants. We are in need of new members and new donations. The history and artifacts of this area are interesting. We go back to the early 1800s when people began coming here for the benefits of the dry air and sunshine to heal their illnesses. We are looking for members who are proud of this area of Phoenix. We need people to be docents, researchers and librarians to help us properly record the pictures, news clippings, artifacts and relevant books and magazines. We need your ideas concerning the type of programs that would interest today’s younger people.
Please reply to this email by sharing your interests. We are open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm each week, September-May . There is no charge for visiting this museum. If you are willing to visit us, just drop in. If you like what you see join as a member and give us your suggestions.
If you are willing to send a donation we are a 501c3 and you can deduct your donation from your income tax. Just make your check out to Sunnyslope Historical Society. You can also designate that the money is “in memory of” or “for an anniversary or a birthday” or some other occasion and we will put it in the next newsletter. You can also buy a brick to be placed in the Century Courtyard and we will send you a form to put the wording on the brick. You can also just include the wording with your check. Bricks are $100 each.
Please mail your check to: Sunnyslope Historical Society
737 E. Hatcher Road, Phoenix, AZ 85020