Architect Al Beadle Presentation

Al Beadle, Architect
Al Beadle, Al Beadle, ArchitectArchitect

Everything’s a sculpture: Designs by Al Beadle

Learn more about Al Beadle’s designs from his daughter, Gerri. She will speak about her father and his architecture. Tickets are $10 each and include light refreshments. 100% of the proceeds go to supporting the Sunnyslope Historical Society. Buy tickets HERE. (Note: if the tech revolution has left you behind, or online payments are not your thing, we’ve got you covered! Tickets will be sold at the door for cash or credit card payments. To reserve your spot, please purchase ticket and select “COD” — cash on delivery — as the payment method. At the door you are welcome to pay via cash or credit card.)

Al Beadle, Architect